Elon Musk’s 6 rules to be more productive at work

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In a letter to Tesla employees, Elon Musk shared six simple, yet effective tips that can help you save time, be more efficient, and accomplish more in less time.

Elon Musk is a figure in social networks, especially on Twitter, but also in the business sector, as he stands out for his prominent presence in the world of technology and for innovation in each and every one of his companies.

The South African tycoon is recognized for his role in companies such as Tesla, SpaceX and The Boring Company. With a daunting agenda that spans the transportation, energy, and space technology industries, Musk has proven to be a tireless and highly efficient leader.

Elon Musk and his ruthless productivity hacks

The businessman recently shared his valuable productivity hacks with Tesla workers in a letter. These strategies, while ruthless to some extent, are an example of his relentless focus on excellence and his ability to optimize performance at work.

The councils seek to improve efficiency by encouraging a culture of open communication and a focus on results. Here are Musk’s 6 rules for getting better at work:

  • Avoid large gatherings: In his letter, Musk urges employees to avoid mass gatherings unless they really add value. He recommends short, productive sessions, where concrete ideas and solutions are discussed.
  • Forget frequent meetings: Warns about the danger of having frequent meetings without a justified reason, since they can be a waste of time. If you just talk about the same topics over and over again, you might as well not hold the meeting.
  • Leave meetings if you are not contributing: Elon Musk stresses the importance of being efficient and respectful of the time of others. If an employee is not adding value to a meeting or call, it is preferable to leave it, since staying alone would be a waste of time for everyone.
Twitter Story cover featuring Elon Musk and Jack Dorsey in front of the Twitter logo
  • Eliminate jargon: Jargon can be confusing and can make communication more difficult. Musk prohibits the use of unnecessary acronyms and technical terms. He advocates clarity and simplicity, with clear and concise language.
  • Communicate directly regardless of the hierarchy: Tesla CEO breaks traditional communication hierarchies, encouraging employees to communicate directly with those responsible for the task at hand. The goal is to not be afraid to communicate with people at all levels of the company, as doing so fosters a collaborative work culture.
  • Follow logic, not rules: Musk’s approach is based on common sense, which is why if a corporate rule is clearly absurd in a particular situation, don’t be afraid to break it.

Elon Musk is not only a visionary leader, but also fully understands the pace of productivity and efficiency at work.. His focus is on simplification, clarity and common sense decision making, which has been critical to the success of his companies.

Adopting these rules could be a good time to reach levels of performance and efficiency that you could well implement in your work or company, in order to achieve more in less time.

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